our philosophy
our philosophy
our philosophy

An optimal experience exists that is universal to the human condition. This experience is marked by a feeling of oneness with an activity, a loss of self-consciousness, and a deep enjoyment in the process. It is known to artists as flow, to athletes as the zone, and to runners as the high. Regardless of what we call it, we have all experienced times in our lives where we became fully absorbed in an activity and we felt a distinctly powerful sense of purpose. These are the moments when we perform at our best and when we truly come alive.

GRINDEVOTION is a collective of athletes, designers, entrepreneurs, and creatives, but the thing that ties us all together is our obsession with getting more – out of our minds, our bodies, and our lives. The category of activewear was originally created for the person seeking a championship or some form of external achievement. We view these as potential side effects of our efforts, but not the ultimate goal. We exist for the individual who relentlessly chases the next challenge, in search of that beautiful place between pressure and ability, where we find our deepest sense of purpose.